Subject: Why LIKING You Doesn't Make Her WANT You (Do This Instead)

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Hey Friend,

The #1 mistake I see guys making who are getting nowhere with a girl…

Is trying to make her to LIKE you.

Most guys think if a girl ‘likes’ you…

Then naturally she’ll want to sleep with you (or be your girlfriend).

But the truth is…

Women don’t choose a guy based on how much they LIKE him…

They choose him based on HOW MUCH HE TURNS THEM ON.

>>>CLICK HERE to learn covert ways to turn her on NOW<<<

And what most guys fail to realize...

Is that a woman doesn’t even have to LIKE you, to get TURNED ON by you.

You see, once a woman becomes aroused in a certain way…

Something crazy happens inside her brain:

The parts that control “rational thinking” literally SHUT DOWN.

Causing her to make reckless sexual decisions…

― Like going home with a guy she hardly knows…

― Or sleeping with a guy who isn’t good for her…

― Or hooking up with a guy she’s been ‘just friends’

with for years…

This phenomenon is called The Override Effect…

And triggering it in a woman is THE KEY to making her lose control and aggressively pursue you, no matter what ‘logical’ reasons she has not to.

There’s a brand new video which shows you exactly how to trigger The Override Effect in any woman…

>>> Watch it now while you can - CLICK HERE <<<

(or visit:

I guarantee it’ll change the way women see you.

Your Bro,

-Adrian Gee.

PS: Once she hooks up with you…

The power dynamic between you flips...

And suddenly YOU'RE in the drivers seat…

So YOU can decide if you want to keep things casual, put her in the friend zone, or

make her your girlfriend.

It all starts by triggering the 'override effect' inside her...

>>> Learn how - click HERE NOW <<<<<<

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