Subject: Why "Good Girls" Make "Bad Decisions"

Yo man,

Have you ever wondered why female teachers sleep with their students...

Even though they KNOW they’ll lose their jobs,

Go to jail,

And wind up the registered offenders list for life if they get caught?

Or why some women will sleep with the “toxic ex” they swore they’d never go back to, over and over again?

While others have affairs they know will ruin their lives as soon as they’re discovered?

These women aren’t stupid…

They’re not weak...

And these situations are far too common for us to chalk up to a few wild personalities.

In reality…

Both men and women make reckless, impulsive, and downright foolish decisions ‘in the heat of the moment’.

And a new scientific discovery out of Harvard tells us why:

In fact, some men are already taking advantage of this discovery to date and sleep with girls way out of their league.

Because the brain circuit that makes women risk everything for a quick thrill…

Is responsible for most “first time encounters” with a new partner.

It’s called The Override Effect

And it literally shuts down the part of a woman’s brain that:

- Makes sensible decisions
- Cares about long-term consequences, and
- Keeps her from taking risks

In other words, The Override Effect ‘releases the brakes’ from the powerful and primal urge to get a man inside her…

Til a girl’s willing to do ANYTHING to make that happen.

If there’s one lesson to take away from this, it’s this:

Stop trying to CONVINCE a girl to be with you…

Stop trying to SHOW her what a great guy you are, in the hope she’ll choose you…

And stop getting upset when she hops into bed with a guy who has none of the qualities she says she wants.

She can’t help it.

Instead, do what thousands of guys around the world are doing to get the girls they really want:

Say things which TURN HER ON

And let this very powerful wiring drive her right into your bed.

(Click above or visit:

Your Bro,
-Adrian Gee.

PS: I don’t recommend you use these techniques to get a girl making decisions that will truly ‘ruin her life’.

I’m simply using the above examples to show you the lengths women will go to to give themselves to certain men.

And to demonstrate the powerful and overwhelming influence The Override Effect has over a woman’s behavior.

Please use responsibly…

To level the playing field…

So a genuinely good guy like you stops losing out to the guy who’s going to use her and throw her away.
