Subject: Why Being a Nice Guy Doesn't Work

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Hey man,

When you meet a girl you’re really into…

Or, if there’s a girl you just really want to sleep with…

It’s easy to fall into the trap of trying to be her “dream guy”.

You exhibit all the ‘good boyfriend’ qualities…

Trying to show her you’re:

- a good listener

- selfless

- interested in a serious relationship…

- loyal

- attentive

- there for her

And so on…

In the hope that you’ll check every box on her list…

And be her natural choice.

Makes sense right?

The only problem with this strategy is…


As I've said before… 

This is a trap that dooms any chance you have of being with her.

Because when it really comes down to it…

There’s one quality a man can have that’s so powerful…

It overshadows EVERYTHING on her list:

What a woman wants more than anything…


You see, when you know how to turn a girl on…

Not only does she find it intoxicating to be around you…

But it OVERRIDES her rational mind…

And everything on her ‘list’ of things she’s looking for in a guy goes out the window.

It doesn’t matter if you’re poorer than she’d like…

Shorter than she’d like…

Or not as confident as she’d like…

As long as you turn her on…

She’ll want to be around you all the time…

She’ll be unable to stop thinking about you…

And she’ll go to great lengths to get off with you.

It’s why women are always hooking up with guys that don’t ‘make sense’ for them to be with.

==> Go here to learn more

(or visit:

The brilliant thing is…

That your most EFFECTIVE TOOL for turning a woman on is…


Women get turned on by LANGUAGE…

Because words can plant IMAGES in a girl’s brain…

Images that trigger an involuntary arousal response inside her…

WITHOUT her even realizing that you’re hitting on her.

This video shows you exactly how to use words to turn women on…

And reveals a surprising discovery about the female brain that ‘regular guys’ can use to get girls WAY out of their league…

==> Watch it here while you can


Your Bro,

-Adrian Gee.

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