Subject: What If She Wants To Be "Just Friends"?

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Hey man,

If you’ve ever had a woman tell  you “I just don’t see you that way”

You know no logical argument will change her mind.

And the more you try to convince her…

The more sure she becomes that you’re more of a friend than anything else.

So how do you change the way a girl sees you…

So instead of wanting to be your pal…

She can’t help wanting more with you?

The key is to make her feel AROUSED around you.

==> Here’s how to do exactly that

If she gets a tingling between her legs when she’s in your presence…

If her breath speeds up…

And her heart races…

And her mind is filled with erotic images whenever you’re around…

Then she starts seeing you as a “sexual option” rather than a buddy or friend.

==> Learn to fill her mind with erotic images by clicking here

The lesson is simple:

You can’t convince a girl to want to be with you.

But if you get her aroused, she’ll convince HERSELF that you’re exactly what she wants.

==> Find out how to get her aroused ‘covertly’ here

When women get aroused, they make all kinds of reckless and impulsive decisions… 

They end up making out with, or sleeping with guys they never thought they’d be interested in.

Suddenly, they don’t care about what their friends will think…

They don’t care about ruining the friendship...

And they don’t care that sleeping with you will ‘complicate things’…

All they care about is getting you inside them NOW.

==> Discover how to use words to turn any girl on here

In this video, you’ll see how a regular guy got an old female friend to start hitting on HIM…

In a very impulsive and risky way…

It’s a crazy story.

With some very important lessons for making a woman see you as a sexual beast.

==> Watch it now while the video’s still live

(or visit:

Your Bro,

-Adrian Gee.

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