Subject: Watch me turn $1,000 into $1,000,000 (not clickbait)..

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Hey man,

Adrian Gee here and I know what you might be thinking after reading the subject from this email..

  • There's no way you can turn $1K into $1M

  • What is this guy smoking?

  • This guy is delusional

  • Some type of scam?

All would be responses I'd expect from someone after putting my ambition of turning $1K into $1M into the universe.

But, trust me when I say this, it is highly highly possible to turn $1,000 into $1,000,000 day-trading in the timeframe of 352 trading days.

Hell, even YOU could do it!

All that's needed is a 2% gain on average every trading day and then you're a millionaire in 352 trading days.

I've actually already started this and you can watch my daily progress on my live streams on my YouTube channel (here is the link from trading day #1:

Now obviously to achieve these type of results you need the proper psychology and tools.

For example, I've spent years working on my trading psychology and have spent $100's on the best tools / softwares that would optimize my performance.

One of those softwares I use is the charting software (which is actually the best in the world) that allows me to seamlessly and simultaneously track assets I'm into, it allows me to do analysis, gives me alerts and so SO much more.

It's the software I use in the video I linked above and I invite you to open a free account here:

It's a game changer to any investor whether short-term investors, long-term investors or aspiring investors, this charting software is a MUST.

It's literally the difference between a novice investor and a professional investor.

Check it out for yourself and create your free account:

Anyway, wishing you the best of success as an investor and hope to see you pop by on my live-streams from time to time.

To Your Success,

-Adrian Gee.

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