Subject: Wake up, you're going to die. 💀

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Seriously. I'm not telling you this to make you depressed. I'm telling you this to be empowered and motivated to live. It's something I talk about at the beginning of today's video (Day 27 Meditation, which I hope you're following along).

🔗 Day 27 Meditation:

If you don't feel like watching the video or joining with me on the meditation esentially this is what I'm saying:

Would you rather wait until you receive a near death experience or get the news from the doctor that you have cancer and have only 3 months to live, to then think, "Damn, I only have 3 months to live, lets make the most out of life".

Or would you rather make the most out of life NOW, while you're healthy?

I think about death every day and meditating on my mortality actually gives me motivation to live my fullest life.

Watch the clip at the beginning of today's meditation to understand more of my thought process. I don't want to bombard you with 2 pages of text in this email.

Here's that link, once again:

Stay present, stay empowered!

-Adrian Gee.

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