Subject: Turn her on without touching her

Yo man,

If you want a girl to think of as more than just a “friend”…

You already know it’s not enough to be a good guy.

And no matter how supportive, easy-going, thoughtful, or attentive you are…

She’ll NEVER see you as “dating material” unless you actively DO something to change her impression of you...

So how do you make sure a woman sees you as ‘love interest’ rather than just a friend?

It’s very simple:

You absolutely have to TURN HER ON.

If you can turn a girl on while you’re having a casual conversation with her…

You’re providing her with something most men don’t: Excitement.

This is so rare for most women that once you know how to do it…

You’re the one in control of where things go with her.

Whether you want to date her…

Or you want something much more casual.

But here’s the catch:

There’s a big difference between what turns YOU on, and what turns a woman on.

A 2020 study found that while men are “stimulated to a greater degree by visual stimuli”

“Women are more sexually aroused by romantic words, images, and themes”

So you can use erotically charged language… 

You can weave erotic themes into your conversation…

And you can have her dripping wet with anticipation…

Before you’ve kissed or even touched her.

You’ll hear from Clayton… 

A regular guy who was fortunate enough to meet legendary dating and attraction coach Jessica J…

Who taught him techniques for activating a girl’s arousal drive using words.

It’s a great story, with simple practical tips for turning women on during casual conversations…

And I think you’ll get a lot out of it.


Your bro,
-Adrian Gee.
