Subject: The Only 2 Ways To Make Her Yours

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Yo man,

There are only two paths to making a girl your girlfriend:

The first, is the “logical” path:

You show her what a great guy you are…

You demonstrate everything you have to offer her…

You try to convince her you’re boyfriend material…

And… If the timing’s just right… 

And she doesn’t have any ‘better’ options…

Then maybe, just maybe, she’ll agree to be your girlfriend.

The problem with this path is, it’s unreliable….

It can take years…

And even when it DOES work…

She’ll always feel like she’s ‘settling’ for you…

Forever wondering if there’s a more exciting guy out there for her.

The 2nd path to making her yours…

Is to forget about all the logical reasons she ‘should’ want to be with you…

And instead focus on TURNING HER ON.

Because here’s what a lot of men don’t realize:

When you make a woman feel powerful, sexual emotions.

Those feelings of arousal OVERRIDE her rational mind…

And any reasons she might have for NOT being with you…

Are literally erased from her brain.

In fact, new research from MIT has revealed,

Once a girl gets turned on in a certain way… 

The LOGICAL parts of her brain literally shut down.

As her raw, animal instincts take over…

And all she can think about, is landing the guy who gives her these feelings.


And guys who have the MOST success with women…

Can trigger it in a woman during casual conversation.

So she has no idea what you’re up to…

No clue why she suddenly can’t stop thinking about getting naked with you…

And SHE convinces HERSELF that you’re the only guy for her. 

If you want to know how to trigger the override effect in any woman…

And turn her on during casual conversation…

==> Make sure to watch this video right now

(or visit:

It shows you exactly how the override effect works…

And exactly what to do to unleash its powerful effects in any woman you choose.

It’s like having a secret weapon she’s powerless to resist.

Check it out.

Your Bro,

-Adrian Gee.

PS: If a woman has to choose between a guy who’s a good LOGICAL choice…

And one who makes her FEEL these powerful, primal emotions…

She’ll choose the guy who turns her on every. single. time.

If you insist on taking the “logical” path…

Then I wish you the best of luck…

A small percentage of the time, it does work out.

But if you want a more reliable, powerful, and quite frankly, more exciting way to make her yours…

==> This is a much safer bet

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