Subject: THIS is why you’re getting old (and how to stop it)

Hey Friend,

When it comes to aging, I’ve got good and bad news. 

Bad news first: theres 3 reasons youre aging… 

And no, its part of life” isnt one of them.

#1: Your cells xerox” themselves every day… and just like a copy of a copy gets worse each time, thats whats happening to your cells. 

That damage turns up as aging.

#2: Special enzymes in your body play a big part in the aging process. They can literally switch aging on or off. 

But as you get older, your levels of these enzymes drop.

That creates a vicious cycle where aging accelerates because you have less enzymes, which means you age faster.

#3: Modern life. Thats right - convenience and comfort has made many of us slow, sedentary people who dont do enough to support our bodies.

Now the good news: you can fix ALL of these and slow your bodys aging to a crawl (and reverse some of the effects).

For #3, get some exercise and eat a little healthier.

To Your Health & Longevity,
-Adrian Gee.