Subject: She wants to be "bed buddies". What do you think?

Hey Friend,

I want you to imagine a girl who's just your type..

The perfect body type.. hair.. eyes..

She's got skin as smooth as porcelain..

Big boobs bursting out of her bra..

And a bubble-butt so perfectly round you just want to reach and give it a squeeze!

Now imagine you could sit at home, reading a book or watching TV..

And whenever you felt horny, you could just send this girl a text..

And she'll come over to your place in under an hour.. 

Wearing a tight dress and no panties underneath..

Then you can simply bend her over.. pull her skirt up.. and stuff her like a turkey on Thanksgiving!

And afterwards, she'll leave your place without any hassle.

She won't ask to stay the night (unless you want her to)

Hell, she won't even ask you to pay for her Uber home.

She's just happy to drop in, bend over and get screwed whenever you snap your fingers..

She'll even cancel her plans with her closest friends and family on short notice so she can come over to your place for a "dick appointment"!

Does this sound like the perfect set up or what?

Well listen..

My friend Mike Haines has released a new video where he reveals how to get a "sex buddy", quickly and easily.. no matter what you look like or how old you are.

Check it out here:

And the best part is..

This isn't just about getting a one night stand.

This makes her want to stick around and keep having sex with you for MONTHS.. with no strings attached!

Sure -- you could use this to have a one night fling if you wanted to.

But if she's super hot, and she's great in bed, then you'll want to keep banging her..

THIS lets you make her into your long-term "Sex buddy"

And that means you'll never even have to get off your couch next time you want to get laid!

You can just send your new "sex friend" a text.. and she'll come over to your place and spread her legs for you..

Easier than ordering a slice of pizza!

Enjoy brother!

Your Bro in PickUp, 
-Adrian Gee.
