Subject: Never ask for nudes (do this instead)

Hey man,

Ever tried to sext a girl and got painfully rejected?

Maybe you asked for nudes and got blocked?

Or worse… you sent her dick pics.


The problem with sexting is guys have no idea how to start things off…

So they usually ask for nudes...

...which ends up creeping the girl out.

And in those rare moments where the girl responds positively?

Well, they have no idea what to do next…

So it falls flat and THEN the girl gets creeped out anyway.

And it’s got nothing to do with sending dick pics or asking for nudes.

In fact, my buddy Alister has cracked the code and taken ‘sexting’ to another level.

Not only does he make girls super horny over text…

He actually makes them have mind-blowing orgasms

Which makes them even hornier and desperate to bang you in real life.

He’s been using this ‘remote seduction’ system since 2014 to bed the hottest girls you’ll ever see…

Without going to bars or nightclubs…

Without ever approaching a girl or taking her on a date…

And without risking any humiliation or rejection.

Plus, he does it in such a sneaky way the girl ends up chasing him to sext...

So it’s impossible to come across creepy at all.

All he does is ask if she wants to play ‘a fun little game’.

From there, he sends a few specific messages, and before she knows it…

Her eyes are rolling into the back of her head and her p*ssy is pulsing with pleasure.

Now, every time he texts her - she org*sms on command.

Pretty insane, right?

Your Bro in PickUp,
-Adrian Gee.