Subject: Middle-aged guy gets 19-year-old stripper begging to be his F-buddy

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“We can be friends… friends who f@#k!”

This is what a 19-year-old stripper told my friend Mike Haines recently.

They were sitting in his apartment, and he had just gotten through breaking up with her.

This girl is a total snack… 5ft 2 and tiny, but with huge boobs, big innocent blue eyes and raven black hair to her ass.

She’s a total smokeshow but way too immature, according to Mike, so he had to let her go.

And she did not take that well.

In a last desperate attempt to salvage things, she said…

“Look if you don’t want to date me that’s whatever, but can we at least be friends?”

She paused, then grinned and added: “Friends who f**k!”

Mike rolled his eyes and said, “Alright… Strip.”

And the rest is history.

And while this crazy little pole dancer didn’t make a good girlfriend… she does make a fantastic F-buddy.

You know what an f-buddy is, right?

That’s a girl you have sex with, but you’re not “dating”.

You get to slip your hotdog inside her supple young buns whenever you want…

But you can still play the field and hook up with other girls — guilt-free.

So how did Mike (who’s 32) get this beautiful 19-year-old begging to be his glorified sex slave?

Well it’s not his looks.

He’s balding and funny looking, with a big nose, a weak chin and a bit of a beer belly.

And it’s not money either.

Mike has never paid this girl a penny and he doesn’t take her on “dates”.

Instead it all comes down to a much more powerful force:


See, Mike has cracked the code to getting women to crave his validation.

I’ve watched him operate, and to be quite honest it’s absolutely wicked.

The thing is, he comes in completely under the radar.

That’s what makes him so dangerous.

He just somehow always knows exactly what to say to get under a girl’s skin and get her chasing his approval.

His technique is extremely subtle…

And before you know it, the girls are qualifying themselves to him.

Then he’s got them right where he wants them.

That’s what he did with this stripper girl.

And it’s what he does with literally every woman who crosses his path…

Whether he’s at a bar… a wedding… or talking to the cute 18yo cashier at the mall.

He says a certain sequence of words which get her seeking his approval.

And before you know it, she’s underneath him with her panties around her ankles.

This is how Mike went from being a stone cold virgin at 18, who had never known the touch of a woman…

To sleeping with over 100 women, including total sex bunnies like pro models, pornstars and exotic dancers.

Listen, I’m not saying his lifestyle is for everyone.

Maybe you just want a quiet Friday night in watching Netflix, then fapping to porn and falling asleep.

In that case, close this email now and go about your business.

But if you’d like to know how to sleep with the types of girls who other guys can only jerk off to on tube sites…

Watch Mike’s crazy presentation right here

In it, he lays out exactly how to get a hot girl begging to be your f-buddy.

Like she will straight up ask you, “can we be FWBs?”

All you gotta do is use his simple formula for getting her to chase your approval.

Check it out:

=> Say THIS to a girl and she will beg to be your f**k buddy (no matter your looks, age or money)


Your Bro in Pick-Up,

-Adrian Gee.

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