Subject: Make her picture getting naked with you

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Yo man,

Guys who get the women they really want know this important truth:

Before a woman decides to have sex with you…

She first needs to PICTURE having sex with you.

So if you can get her to imagine:

—  Wiggling out of her pants…

— Opening her legs…

— And feeling you penetrate her…

She starts to get so turned on…

That logic, reason, and any rational concerns she might have about hooking up with you…

Completely disappear from her mind.

==> Here’s how to get her to picture getting naked with you

It’s all due to something researchers at Harvard call The OVERRIDE EFFECT

Where the more turned on she gets…

The more irrational and impulsive she becomes…

As those powerful erotic urges literally override the logical part of her mind.

There are three ways to turn a woman on and get her picturing herself in sexual situations with you.

You could:

1. Be ridiculously good-looking. 

2. Ooze massive confidence.


3. You can use WORDS. 

The right words slip past a woman’s defenses…

And plant images in her mind…

Which her body can’t help responding to.

Just as your body can’t help responding when you watch a video of a hot girl touching herself…

A woman’s body can’t help responding to the images you plant in her mind using erotic language.

And when your words make her feel aroused…

You become irresistibly attractive in her mind.

==> Click here and watch this short video

In it, you’ll learn the secret words and language patterns that activate The Override Effect…

Giving you ultimate control over a woman’s arousal. 

Whether it’s a girl you just met…

Or one you’ve had your eye on for years.

==> Click here to watch this video now

(or visit:

And see for yourself how easy it can be to get any girl you want looking at you in a whole new way.

Your Bro,

-Adrian Gee.

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