Subject: Make her org*sm on command

Hey man,

You’ve probably heard of Pavlov’s famous dog experiment, right?

Every time he was about to feed the dog, he’d ring a bell.

Pretty soon, just hearing the bell made the dog drool.

Now, get this…

My buddy Alister has been doing this with women’s p*ssies since 2014…

Over text.

They’re known as ‘Inception Orgasms’.

No touching. No taking her out first.

Just send the girl a specific set of messages in a specific order…

And she’ll have earth-shattering orgasms.

It’s such a mind-altering experience - she’ll become obsessed with banging you in real life.

And if you really want to make her p*ssy drool like Pavlov’s dog…

Do it multiple times…

...over multiple days.

Soon, her pussy will have muscle memory and just sending a text will make her orgasm on command.

Then she’ll uber her way to yours to give you a thank you blowy...

Just like Kayley did. Listen to what she had to say by clicking here.

It’s the closest thing I’ve found to push-button sex.

Your Bro in PickUp,
-Adrian Gee.