Subject: Make Her Think From Between Her Legs

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Hey man,

You’ve heard the expression “thinking with your d#*k”…

It’s something women say when all a guy’s thinking about is getting laid, no matter the consequences…

But guess what?

This happens to women too.

If you turn a woman on in the right way…

— She’ll do things she knows she ‘shouldn’t’ 

— She’ll go against her ‘better judgment’

— She’ll risk her reputation, your friendship, and even her marriage…

Just to satisfy that aching desire between her legs…

==> Find out how to make any girl feel that way here

It’s all due to a little known quirk of the female brain called The Override Effect…

As a woman becomes more turned on…

The parts of her brain responsible for self-control and logical decision-making literally go to sleep…

And she can't think of anything but GETTING YOU INSIDE HER… 

...It’s why wives cheat…

...It’s why girls sleep with their best male friends…

...And female teachers sleep with their students…

Despite knowing the consequences could ruin their lives.

Guys who know how to trigger The Override Effect in women…

Have their pick of whatever girl they want…

==> Discover how to trigger the Override Effect in any woman here

It’s the most important breakthrough in the science of attraction in years!

Try it yourself…

And watch as the girl you’re talking to gets flushed…

Starts squirming in her seat…

And starts suggesting ways to get you alone…

There’s no better feeling.

==> Learn all about it here

(or visit:


Your Bro,

-Adrian Gee.

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