Subject: How to use “pavlov’s theory” to make a girl hungry for your touch

Hey man,

Adrian Gee here!

You might’ve heard of Dr. Pavlov’s famous experiment: 

Where he’d ring a bell every time he fed his dogs… 

And after a few repetitions… 

Just hearing the bell would make the dogs salivate uncontrollably. 

The sound of the bell became powerfully linked in the dogs’ brains to the feeling of hunger… 

And they couldn’t help drooling 

It’s a process called classical Conditioning…

And you can use it to get any woman hungry for your touch… 

This instructional video shows you how: 


When you casually touch a woman in a certain way every time she has positive feelings… 

She starts to ASSOCIATE your touch with those “good feelings”… 

And very quickly… 

She’s thinking about your touch all the time…

She’s imagining how good it’ll make her feel…

And when you’re not around… 

She experiences an intense craving to feel your hands on her. 

Using “Pavlov’s Theory” is one of 3 cool techniques my friend Kate shares in this instructional video: 

Go watch it here:

It shows you not only how to make her crave your touch… 

But also a technique for making her think about kissing you… 

And a way to unlock feelings of uncontrollable lust for you… 

It’s deadly effective… 

Contains techniques you can use right away… 

And is based on scientific research out of Harvard. 

Check out the practical advice in Kate’s video now:

Your Bro, 
-Adrian Gee.