Subject: How to make her your BJ JUNKY

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Hey man,

I’ll get straight to it today…

…sometimes you have to get brutally honest with yourself.

A few years ago I had a breakthrough moment.

I reflected on what I really wanted and I admitted that what I REALLY wanted more than anything else…

Was to have a small harem of rabid B-L-0-W J0B JUNKIES...

Or at least one dedicated BJ QUEEN!!!

I didn’t just want to ‘luck out’ here and there.

I wanted her to enjoy the hell out it…

And I wanted to skip the flowers and sweet talk and just have the bjs come fast & furious!

I wanted her hungry to come back for more.

The fantasy is now a reality for me.

The hidden truth is that 99% of women are literally HARD WIRED to get aroused by “servicing” a man with her mouth, for some very odd psychological reasons which you’ll see in a sec.

(has to do with the right side of her prefrontal cortex)

The problem is that most men make critical hidden mistakes which turn her off to it…if not right away, than within a few times of her going down on you (which is why she eventually stops).

Well mark 2021 as your ‘bj breakthrough’ year!

Because “FeIIati0 Fort Knox” has officially been cracked.

==> Watch this video to learn what turned Christina into a BJ JUNKIE

(or visit:

*** You will get more sloppy head in the next few weeks than
you’ve gotten in the past decade ***

It works on wives, girlfriends, and even on women you just met!

The video linked above explains a simple “power move” you can use to get any woman addicted to s#cking you off.


Your Bro,

-Adrian Gee.

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