Subject: How to get a harem of hot girls who worship you

Hey Friend, 

Let me ask you something..

(and I want you to answer honestly)

If today, you were given the option to have a "private harem" of hundreds of young, hot girls you could do whatever you liked with..

Would you take it?

And I'm not talking about 5s and 6s.

I'm talking about the 9s and 10s.

Young.. Hot.. With fit, toned bodies..

Just imagine you had a dozen naked 18 year olds lined up on your bed..

Their beautiful bubble butts poking up in the air..

Tanned, toned, and glistening with oil.. Lubed up and waiting for you to slide right in.

Would you take advantage of this opportunity?

Or would you say it's "wrong".. "immoral".. or "greedy" for a man to sleep with more than one woman?

If your answer is anything other than HELL YES I WANT HAREM, please close this email.. and go turn in your "man card" now.

Because assuming the feminists haven't completely taken your balls away yet, I'm willing to bet you'd LOVE to have your own harem..

And the good news is.. now you can.. and you don't have to be rich, famous, jacked or young to do it!

Believe it or not.. ANY man can get a harem of beautiful women..

And it doesn't matter if you're old.. fat.. bald.. work a shitty job.. or even if you've got a 3 inch dick.

It's simply a matter of using a few innocent words on the women of your choice which make her turned on and horny to sleep with you..

Once you say these words to her.. she will fall into your arms (and your bed) like a ripe apple falling off a tree.

That's because this 3-word attraction trigger taps into something which is hardwired into every woman's DNA..

And which unconsciously FORCES her to sleep with a man and become sexually addicted to him.

It's called The Approval Instinct..

And it's the single most powerful force in every woman's unconscious mind.

You see, every woman craves approval and acceptance more than anything else.

In fact, the need for approval is a BIOLOGICAL DRIVE that is so deeply hard-coded in the female DNA, it subconsciously controls EVERYTHING she does.

From spending 10 hours a week pumping and thrusting in the gym to get the perfect "bubble butt"..

To blowing her entire pay check on clothes, makeup, shoes, cosmetics, lip fillers, botox and other "hotness enhancers"

To taking endless selfies and spending her every waking moment checking her Instagram notifications. 

Here's the dirty little secret:

The need for approval.. is every woman's kryptonite

And in this video, my friend Mike will show you a simple 3-word trigger which instantly ACTIVATES a woman's craving for approval..

And focuses it on YOU.

So that she views having sex with you, and pleasuring you until you bust a nut all over her perfect t*ts as the ultimate form of validation.

It truly is diabolical..

You'll have to watch the video for yourself to see what I mean, but trust me, you're in for a real treat.

(If you enjoy no strings attached sex with beautiful 21 year old girls with tight bodies, that is.. although maybe you prefer fat and ugly girls.. who knows, stranger things have happened, in which case, don't watch the video)


Your Brother in PickUp,
-Adrian Gee.
