Subject: How to get a "FWB" (friends with benefits)

Hey Friend,

Let's talk about "Friends with benefits" (FWBs)

An FWB is a girl you bang regularly..

But without any long term relationship BS..

It's just pure, no strings attached sex.. every week or so.. with NO effort on your part.

Sounds like a dream come true, right?

Well, it is.

And what many guys don't understand is that many WOMEN are actually a lot more open to this kind of arrangement than men are. 

See, in the modern era, there's a ton of girls out there who really don't want a boyfriend.

They're too busy with their career or education.

And instead of a high maintenance long-term relationship, all they're looking for right now is a chill guy they can see every week or two..

Hook up.. pleasure each other sexually.. and maybe enjoy hanging out and watching a movie together from time to time.

So how do you find these girls?

And.. what do you say to them to suggest being "friends with benefits" -- without coming across as creepy and getting in trouble?

That's where this comes in:

Watch this video now!

It will show you how to get a no-strings-attached "sex friend".. and it works even if you're unattractive, introverted, unemployed, or twice her age.

You won't need good looks, money, youth.. You won't even need "confidence"

All these things are great.

However, there is something much more powerful which women are biologically programmed to respond to..

And when you tap into this 1 secret craving that every woman is obsessed with.. she will spread her legs for you in minutes (even if she's a "good girl")..

And she'll be ADDICTED to making the "beast with two backs" with you, again and again..

So you can turn her into your FWB, and enjoy MONTHS of casual sex with her, for as long as you wish!

Watch the video now!

It won't be up for long, so you only have a short time to take advantage of this:

(or just visit this link:


Your Brother in PickUp, 
-Adrian Gee
