Subject: How to become the "buddy she bangs"

Hey Friend, 

We've all seen them.

Those scummy ads on porn sites that claim: "girls in your area want to hook up and f*ck now!"

Needless to say.. there probably isn't a single time in the history of the world when clicking on one of those ads actually resulted in a guy getting laid.

That's because when women are HORNY and looking for some dick.. they don't sign up to a sleazy "hook up" website.


Instead, she calls up one of her male friends and asks him to come over to "watch a movie".. (which is girl code for: "please come over and bang the shit out of me")

The question is:

How do you become the "Friend she f*cks"?

This video shows you how..

Click above or follow this link to watch the video:


Your Bro in PickUp,
-Adrian Gee.
