Subject: How to F a different girl every night (the Lazy Man's Way)

Hey Friend,

You ever feel like getting laid just takes too much work?

Too much time? Effort? Money? 

I mean, you've gotta swipe through hundreds of profiles to even find ONE girl who's the slightest bit interested..

Then you've got to message her for weeks.. take her on dates.. buy her drinks.. and do a whole song and dance to make her like you..

And even then, getting in her pants still isn't guaranteed!

Or you can go the "pickup artist" route..

You know, go to trendy nightclubs (if they're not closed because of COVID).. approach every girl in the place.. pretend to "laugh it off" as you're rudely rejected by 99% of them..

And then after all that.. maybe.. just MAYBE.. you'll find some sloppy "5/10" who's drunk enough to go home together and bump uglies.

And even then.. the sex usually isn't even good.

It sucks!

But what if there was a better way..

An EASY way to get laid every single week, without fail.. WITHOUT giving up your precious single life?

What if there was a EASY way to get laid every single week, without fail..

Without having to approach any women.

Without getting rejected.

And without even having to leave your front door!

I'm f-ing PUMPED today, because I'm finally able to announce something BIG..

Something that's going to change the entire landscape of the "dating game" forever..

My friend Mike Haines has just released a controversial new presentation where he reveals an easy way for any man to get a F*ck Buddy.. or "Friends With Benefits" (FWB)

A F*ck buddy is a girl who you use purely for sex.. and SHE likes it that way!

(She's using you for sex too..)

If you want to get laid regularly, but you cherish your precious single life -- having a couple of f*ck buddies is PERFECT for you.

Because your F*ck buddy ONLY wants sex.

She DOESN'T want a relationship.

She DOESN'T want commitment, exclusivity, or fancy dates.

And the best part -- she doesn't make you jump through hoops to get in her panties.

She just comes over whenever you send her a text.. and screws you silly for hours!

No more sexual frustration..

No more spending your weekends alone, with nothing but porn and a box of tissues to keep you company..

If that sounds like something you're intrigued by, then check out Mike's controversial new video now, before it's taken down by the "PC police".

Thank me later! ;-)

Your Bro in PickUp, 
-Adrian Gee.
