Subject: How I Got Better Sleep Literally Overnight

Yo Friend,

Have you ever had a bad night’s sleep? 

Dumb question, I know. We all have.

Well, I was having a string of them when I came back from Mexico and I had a big shoot coming up that I absolutely could not have derailed by my terrible sleep.

Because, I’m sure you’d agree, it’s not the tossing and turning… the lying awake wondering if you’re asleep yet… the checking the clock and performing mental calculations to know exactly how many minutes you’d get if you fell asleep now

It’s how you feel the next day. Especially the next morning.

  • Groggy. 
  • Eyes hurting.
  • Dull headache. (Or a sharp headache. Or a both headache.)
  • Hazy, foggy outlook.
  • Delayed responses.
  • Snappy and irritated.
  • Generally feeling like you want to die.

It’s all that the next day that makes last night’s sleep so important to get right.

So, I had a shoot. I needed to perform at my best and I wasn’t going to take any chances. 

I've been reading up on blue light. If you don’t know, the biggest source of blue light is the sun, and it is what stops our bodies from producing melatonin, which is the hormone that makes you feel sleepy.

It’s great coming out of the sun. The sun goes down. We get sleepy. Or do we?

Want to know the second biggest emitter of blue light?


Or, your computer. TV. Fluorescent light bulbs. Anything digital and emitting light is probably emitting blue light and your eyes are your biggest blue light receptors.

Staring at your phone in the evening is a great way to have a bad quality sleep and wake up for a bad quality day, right?

Easy solution: Just don’t look at your phone, TV, or computer in the hours before bed, and switch to candlelight.

I’m joking of course.

Next easy solution: Just use your phone’s blue light filter, or Night Shift, right?


That’s just a software solution to a hardware problem. It’s a nice idea. But not great in execution.

So, I did my research. I found several companies who make blue light blocking solutions like glasses, but only one company that had the third-party scientific validation I wanted: Swanwick.

They make the highest quality blue light blocking glasses that are specifically for making sure you sleep well. 

With over 99% of blue light blocked, your melatonin production is at a high when it needs to be.

And all you need to do is put them on 2-3 hours before bed, and then go about your evening. No, you don’t have to ditch your phone and other electronics completely. You don’t have to worry that your blue light filter on your phone is doing any good or not. (It’s probably not.)

Not only that, they’ve got heaps of styles, free shipping, and a 30 day money back guarantee.

These glasses worked for me and I'm sure they'll work for you.

Get yours by clicking HERE and use code "ADRIAN10" to get 10% off.

To Better Sleep,
-Adrian Gee.

If you're wondering which Swannies I'm wearing in my photo above, they are the 'Innovator Day Swannies'.

You can check them out here: