Subject: Fix your cellular “Xerox” (and stop aging)

Hey Friend,

Did you know that every cell in your body is a copy.

Not just that: theyre copies of copies of copies… 

Your body is a cellular Xerox, duplicating cells over and over again, sometimes millions of times EVERY DAY.

And you know what happens every time you copy something?

Things get a tiny bit corrupted - and thats whats happening inside you.

As your cells keep regenerating, little bits of DNA get damaged…

Little mistakes get copied…

Things dont work quite as well as they did…

And you start to see wrinkles, greying hair, stubborn fat, and other signs of aging.

But a recent breakthrough has found a way to fix” the instructions when copying your cells and stop the aging process.

To Your Health and Longevity,
-Adrian Gee.