Subject: 3 words that make any girl wet

Hey Friend,

Did you know there's a 3-word sentence you can say to a girl to instantly make her turned on..

Panties soaking wet..

And spreading her legs in under 30 minutes of normal conversation?

And this 3-word "panty dampener" will make ANY woman you use it on have sex with you, suck you like a vacuum, and.. agree to be your permanent bang-buddy!

Even if you're old, ugly and broke.. and she's young and breathtakingly beautiful.

Even if you're so shy you haven't TALKED to a woman in years, let alone had sex with one.

And no matter how much of a "lost cause" with women you think you are.

After you use this 3 word phrase on the girl of your choice..

She will be butt naked.. kneeling at your feet.. gazing up at you with big Bambi eyes.. and telling you, "do whatever you want with me, master."

So.. what is this 3-word "panty dampener".. and why does it work so well to make any girl your willing slave, no matter how hot she is?

It's all about approval.

You see, this 3-word phrase triggers a recently discovered PRIMAL DRIVE inside a woman's mind..

A powerful unconscious compulsion called the "Approval Instinct".

Women need approval more than they need food, water and air.

The desire for approval and acceptance is the DOMINANT thought in every woman's mind.. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

And it subconsciously controls everything she does.

Don't believe me?

Well.. just imagine the perfect 10.

She's 22.. smoking hot.. with a body that makes heads turn wherever she goes.

What do you think she's doing right now?

Ten to one she's doing one of the following:

  • Taking a selfie.
  • Checking her social media to see if she got any new likes and comments.
  • Working out in the gym to make her body look smoking hot.
  • Thinking about what clothes she's going to wear today to accentuate her "assets" and make guys drool over her..

What every single one of these activities has in common is that they are rooted in her craving for APPROVAL.

The need for approval is literally the single most powerful force in every woman's DNA.. It's her KRYPTONITE.

And that's why this 3-word phrase is so powerful..

Because when you say this to a woman, it TRIGGERS her craving for approval.. and anchors it to YOU..

So she sees having sex with YOU as the ultimate form of validation!

She will desire you.. lust for you.. and become ADDICTED to giving you sexual pleasure..

She'll literally be as HOOKED on sucking your cock as she is to checking her iPhone notifications.

And I don't think I need to tell you how addicted girls are to their iPhones ;-)

It's all about approval. 

That's the key to the kingdom, my friend.

And when you use this 3 word phrase to get her chasing your approval..

It creates a "snowball effect" of momentum where she craves you more and more.. until pretty soon, she's quite literally begging you to take her out to the parking lot and give her a long, slow f*ck against the wall.

Here's how to do it on any girl of your choice.. using just 3 little words to jump start the process:


Your Bro in PickUp,
-Adrian Gee.
