Subject: 15 PROVEN Ways to Become Smarter Today

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Hey Friend,

If you are like most people, then you probably want to find a way to make yourself smarter.

Not that you aren’t intelligent already, but there is always room to grow, right?

Well, I have good news for you!

There are plenty of ways that you can give yourself more brain power, and they don’t involve going back to school full-time.

Keeping your brain active will help you in your day to day life, and it may also have benefits that last your whole life.

There is research that shows people who keep stretching their mental capacities have fewer problems later in life with things like memory loss and even dementia.

To help you in your quest for adding some more smarts to your brain, I have compiled this a list of 15 tips and tricks in my NEW blog post to help you become smarter.

==> CLICK HERE to read the 15 tips on my blog

If however, you don't have a spare moment to click through to the blog post, I will include 3 of those tips within this email.

Here they are:

1. Exercise Regularly


Just about anything you want to accomplish in your body will always lead back to regular exercise. Want to be heart healthy? Exercise. Want to lose weight? Exercise. Want a better sex life? Exercise. Want to boost your brain’s thinking power? Yep. Exercise. A regular workout schedule boosts blood flow to your brain just like it does the rest of the body which means, regular exercise makes you smarter. Personally, I like to jump and I use the Crossrope Get Lean Weighted Jump Rope Set (you may have seen me using these over on my Instagram).

2. Have Frequent Sex


This is probably a tip that everyone will be happy to add to their to-do list. Research has shown that frequent sex can boost brain performance. In the study, the participants were asked to take a standardized test, and those that had sex on at least a weekly basis scored higher than the people who did not. More sex equals more brain power. If you're a guy that wants to attract more women in your life, I suggest you check out The T8 System.

3. Play Games


Not just any games will do, however. You need to play “brain games.” These are usually short or quick games that are specifically designed to help boost your IQ levels. These types of games nurture your problem-solving skills as well as your memory. While these games won’t suddenly turn you into Albert Einstein, they will give your neural pathways a workout which is never a bad thing.

==> Want the full 15 tips? CLICK HERE!

Hope to see you over on my blog.

Your Bro,

-Adrian Gee.

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