Subject: 11 Reasons Why YOU Should Learn Chinese..

Yo brother,

When you think about the international language of business, chances are good that English comes to mind first. It’s the most widely used language in the world, and has been the lingua franca of the business world for a very long time. However, as they say, “things, they are a-changing”.

While English remains the language that most successful business people speak, that will not remain true for much longer. Chinese is the language of the future, and those who can master it now will have an advantage over those who fail to get on board in time.

I spent last year in China studying Chinese and everyone ALWAYS asked me "Hey Adrian, why are you studying Chinese?"

Well, in my NEW blog post '11 Reasons Why YOU Should Learn Chinese', I go through the reasons why I decided to learn Chinese and why I believe YOU TOO should start learning Chinese.

==> CLICK HERE to read my NEW blog post!

If you don't have the time to click through to my website and read the blog post, here are just 3 of the 11 reasons why YOU should learn Chinese:

1. It’s the Growing Language of the Business World

English remains king, but it’s a king who with a rapidly eroding throne. English-speaking countries, specifically the US, are trying to retain their lead over other nations, but it is declining despite, and in some cases because of, their best efforts.

There is no denying that the business realm of tomorrow is closely focused on China and other Asian nations. The Americas have had their day, and it the sun is setting on them. If you want to find success, whether as a business owner, entrepreneur, or employee, then you should be focusing on how China will be affecting your future. The first step here is to learn Chinese.

2. It’s Actually a Lot of Fun

Want a non-business reason to consider learning Chinese? It’s actually a lot of fun. Chinese is so different from European languages, it is a complete departure. It offers a unique challenge, and delivers puzzle-solving-like benefits. It’s engaging, and enjoyable on a level that you don’t get when learning other languages, like Spanish, Italian, or even Russian. In addition to being able to speak with others, you can order off a menu and actually know what you’re about to eat. You can read news articles without the need for or inaccuracy of Google Translate. You can even have fun with words and create unique puns and jokes.

3. You Can Make Friends and Connections with Billions of People

One of the single most valuable assets you have is your connection to other people. Simply put, the more people you know, the richer your life is. The stronger your connection with others, the more opportunities you have. The world’s most successful people already know this, which is why people like Mark Zuckerberg are learning to speak Chinese, along with other languages. Learning to speak Chinese gives you access to billions of other people with whom to connect and establish relationships.



To Your Success,

-Adrian Gee
