Subject: #1 ingredient that get a girl infatuated with you (weird)

Yo bro,

Guys get infatuated with girls much more often than girls develop crushes on guys.

That’s how it seems to work out most of the time, right?

You become attracted to a girl, and then you have to work (hard) to try and get her to become attracted to you.

Now, I want ask you a question.

And, I want you to think hard.

Have you ever had a girl you weren’t really attracted to develop a serious crush or infatuation with YOU?

The answer is important.

Now, I can almost bet that there have been girls who developed serious crushes and lusted after YOU. BUT they were NEVER the girls that you wanted.

Am I right?

Here is what you have got to realize. (and this is important)

The way you acted and the things you did without even thinking about it made this overweight or ugly girl become attracted to you.

(this video reveals 4 specific things you probably did to get her so attracted- without even realizing it)

==> CLICK HERE to watch the FREE video!

More importantly, all girls become attracted to guys for the same reasons.

So the same “ingredients” that made this unwanted girl lust after you can be used to make a hot girl want you just as much.

So what are these ingredients for infatuation?

It starts with getting her to THINK ABOUT YOU.

Ask yourself: What makes you want to chase a girl?

C’mon if you’re honest with yourself, when do you really start chasing a girl?

I’ll tell you…

It's when she sends you mixed signals, right?

Sometimes she seems into you. But other times she seems like she’s bored or not interested.

When she seems interested, you think that there is attraction – that she wants to date you, spend time with you, and even have sex with you.

And when she seems disinterested, you spend your time thinking about what to do to regain her attraction.

(and as this video explains, if you can make a girl think about you- you can make her fall in love with you)

==> CLICK HERE to watch the FREE video!

She’s sending these mixed messages on purpose. And it is really effective, because it makes you want to chase her even more.

The key is that this works for girls in exactly the same way it works for guys. That means that if you learn how to master the art of sending mixed signals, she will want to chase you.

But hold on a second.

It is easy to get this wrong.

You have to learn to balance your signals, otherwise she will just think you are a jerk or she won’t realize that you are attracted to her at all and anything else you do will be pointless.

A couple evil geniuses actually came up with something they call “The Scrambler” that shows you exactly how to do this.

And they will teach this sneaky little mind game in this video.

==> Watch The Scrambler video by CLICKING HERE
OR visit this link:

Watch this video carefully, because once you learn this, it will seem like you can actually control what she is thinking about you.


Your Brother in PickUp,

-Adrian Gee.

P.S. There is one more thing that you need to think about before you are ready to start learning how to master mixed signals.

When you do this, there will be times when you will have to step back and let whatever you have said to her take effect in her mind.

(its sort of like “inception”- explained here)

Most guys find this very hard to do. This is especially the case with guys who are using this approach for the first time.

Maybe the guy really likes the girl and he is worried that he may have screwed it up. So he texts her or calls her looking for a sign that she is still interested in him.

But this contact will completely undo what he has done.

You have to trust this strategy completely for it to work.

==> Discover the exact steps of “The Scrambler” here
OR visit this link:
