Subject: I Tested Positive For COVID-19.. 😞

Hey man,

I have some REALLY bad news..

I tested POSITIVE for COVID-19..

Nah, just kidding. APRIL FOOLS! 🤪

But in all seriousness brother, I hope you are staying home and staying safe during this crazy time. 

I get that some of you may be out of work and bored out of your mind staying at home all day so I wanted to do something to help you out and help YOU become a better version of yourself during this tough time.

It's no doubt that you AREN'T meeting girls during this time BUT that doesn't mean you should just sit on your couch watching Netflix all day.


Why not use THIS time to actually improve your skills with women by taking advantage of todays CRAZY discount on The T8 System?

That's right. I'm running a ONE TIME 25% OFF discount on my system (I NEVER do discounts)..

So how would you like to improve your skills with women and get to a grandmaster level DURING this lockdown?

Then, once it's over, you can literally pull the HOTTEST girls ever without even lifting a finger?

Sounds pretty amazing right?

Well, you can do that with The T8 System and by using the discount code "CORONA" you will get 25% OFF the ENTIRE system.

Simply, CLICK HERE, watch the video from START to FINISH, then at the checkout page, use the coupon code "CORONA" for 25% OFF.

What are you waiting for?

Join the system TODAY, take advantage of this sale and BEGIN mastering your Pick-Up skills NOW.

See you on the inside.

Your brother in Pick-Up,

-Adrian Gee.

P.S. This discount will ONLY be available for the next 24 hours. After that I will be deactivating the coupon code and RAISING the price of the system from $67 to $497 so TODAY is your ONLY chance to get the system for the absolute cheapest price.
