Subject: Could you handle 7 girls a day?

Hey Friend,

So get this:

This skinny, nerdy adult virgin figured out an unusual way to get any girl into bed. 

And his method works so well.. that he used it to get 7 girlfriends!

Imagine dating 7 girls at one time!

Could you handle it?

Well if they're all smoking hot like his girls were (he shows a lingerie pic of one of them in this video).. I think you'd certainly want to try!

That skinny dork's name is Mike Haines..

And since learning this unusual "female psychology" secret, he's become the world's foremost expert on getting a harem.

What's a "harem"?

It's basically where you're dating anywhere between 3 to 10 girls at one time.

You can call them "non-exclusive girlfriends"..

"Friends with benefits"..

Or simply "F*ck buddies"..

But it shakes out to the same thing:

Basically, you have a "rotation" of different girls you can sleep with so you never get bored.

AND, Mike figured out a way to make it so that your girls are all totally HAPPY and COOL with you seeing other women..

So there's no lying, deceit or needing to manipulate them.

All your girls know you're seeing other women, and they're 100% fine with it!


Your Bro, 
-Adrian Gee.


This is the ONLY video out there which shows you how to turn a girl into your "friends with benefits" so you can get your own harem.

I strongly recommend watching it NOW because it might not be up for much longer.

Because online censorship is a bigger problem than ever, and it's only a matter of time before feminist activists get Mike's controversial video taken down.
