Subject: Sleeping In Causes YOU to Develop Heart Disease? 😴💔

Yo brother,

If you’ve followed my blog posts for any length of time, you know that I regularly discuss tips, tricks, strategies and hacks to help improve your success as an entrepreneur.

There’s A LOT that goes into building success, but smart use of your time is perhaps the single most important one to master.

I’ve explored a lot of related topics, but one that we need to delve into in greater depth is getting up early. If you’re an entrepreneur, there’s no reason that you should be lying in bed longer than necessary in the morning.

You NEED to get up early and get your day started. Why, though? Well, first of all according to some studies, sleeping in could cause heart disease but, there are several important reasons to wake up early as an entrepreneur, and you can check them all out in my NEW blog post, "7 Reasons You Should Wake Up Early As An Entrepreneur".

==> CLICK HERE to uncover ALL the benefits to waking up early!

If you don't have the time to click through, here are just 3 reasons YOU should be waking up early:

1. You Focus Better

Most of us really don’t think that we focus all that well when we roll bleary-eyed from the bed before the sun is up, but the truth is that once you get past that initial stage and wake up a bit more, your cognitive abilities ramp up significantly. In fact, studies have found that those awake early in the morning have significantly better focus on tasks than those who get up later in the day.

2. You Gain More Time in the Week

We all have the same 24 hours in a day, but some people seem to do so much more with their time than others do. Part of the secret is that they wake up early. Entrepreneurs who get out of bed two hours earlier can actually add 14 more usable hours in their week. That’s an additional 56 hours per month, and 672 hours per year. What could you do with that much extra time?

3. You’re Able to Put a Positive Spin on Things

Morning is a time of positivity and quiet. It’s a time of renewal and peace. That has a powerful effect on your mental state that can last far into the day. By getting up early, you give your brain the ability to put a positive spin on things, and that can help improve your productivity, your sense of accomplishment, and more.

So, they are just 3 of the reasons YOU should be waking up early, there are plenty more and you can learn them by checking out my NEW blog post, "7 Reasons You Should Wake Up Early As An Entrepreneur".

==> CLICK HERE to uncover ALL the benefits to waking up early + learn HOW to effectively wake up early!!


To Your Success,

-Adrian Gee.
