Subject: Ready for Rights, Friend? 👭

Drumroll, please... Introducing SEED's newest project!

Hi Friend,

Thanks to your incredible support of our Emergency Appeal, we have been able to commence a second round of food distribution across Madagascar’s Anosy region. In this round, we will be treating 268 children for malnutrition and supporting their families with food parcels. To complement our emergency work in combating food insecurity in Madagascar, we will also be commencing the next chapter of our Project Sakondry (a.k.a. Project ‘Bacon Bug’!). Not only is Project Sakondry set to bring about long-term benefits for several communities in Anosy, but our newest project ‘Ready for Rights’ is too! In collaboration with the British Embassy, our Ready for Rights project will be tackling the topics of consent, family planning, STI/HIV prevention, and menstrual health.

Food for distribution being unloaded by the SEED team. Photographed by Patrick Razafindrainibe

Round Two has Commenced

Alongside training 54 community health workers to help screen, diagnose, and treat malnutrition in children under 5 years old, our Emergency Food Distribution team has been working to identify children, across the 41 villages SEED are working with, who need treatment for malnutrition. Unfortunately, at the end of this process, the team identified 268 children who needed urgent assistance. However, thanks to your donations, our emergency team has already begun distributing infant food supplements-- a peanut-based paste enriched with vitamins and minerals-- to these children and food parcels containing rice, beans, and oil to their families. We are now looking at how we can best expand our emergency response to support more families in need. None of this would be possible without the generosity you have shown SEED over the past 9 months; thank you all for your incredible support. 

Adult Sakondry on host plant. Photographed by: Annelin Verkade

Remember 'Bacon Bugs'?

Frankly, how could you forget them?! These unforgettable little bugs caused quite a stir across our social media channels earlier this year, with the general consensus from our followers being ‘this is... different but, actually, quite cool!’ (we also received a few ‘ew’ and 'yuck' comments as well…). The former comments are of course much more accurate - these edible insects are highly nutritious, found locally, and have the potential to be an invaluable long-term tool to combating food insecurity in Madagascar’s Anosy region. Because of this fact, and without further ado, let us introduce you to the new chapter of Project Sakondry! Funded by the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives, over the next six months SEED will work in five rural communities in Madagascar's Anosy region to establish edible insect farming. By cultivating sakondry, communities will be able to increase nutrients in their diets and establish a climate-resilient source of protein, all from their own homes.

SRHR training in progress. Photographed by: Hannah Shepherd

Introducing: Ready for Rights

As it says on the tin, our newest project, 'Ready for Rights', seeks to deliver rights-based sexual and reproductive health education and resources to school pupils across Madagascar and SEED is collaborating with the British Embassy to make it happen. For the next six months, we will be working together with four local schools across Madagascar's Anosy region, providing students with information on consent, family planning, STI/HIV prevention, and menstrual health. Lomba and his team will also be building menstrual hygiene management facilities and our SRHR team will be supporting female students to make their own reusable sanitary pads. To make sure that students can access health services in their communities, we will also be working with local health centres to provide information and training, whilst learning more from health staff about the difficulties they face in supporting young people in Madagascar’s rural areas. Although the phrase 'children are our future' may be a little cliché, if our Ready for Rights project team has anything to do with it - the future looks healthy, happy, and empowered!

With thanks to the British Embassy for their partnership and funding of this work.

Monthly Mini Malagasy Lesson with Lima

'Ny vatako, ny safidiko' - my body, my choice

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