Subject: Lemur Masks - SEED Madagascar

Dear Friend, 

I hope you are well, and your SEED mask is still a favourite in your mask collection!
We’ve gone well beyond our initial hopes for the SEED Mask Exchange and have now raised over £6,000 by selling over 1,000 masks! With some donors also setting up an ongoing monthly donation, we’ve had the resources to greatly expand our COVID work in Madagascar. There is a brief report here showing what we’ve accomplished with your help. We’re particularly proud of the 14,829 masks distributed in Madagascar so far but there is still much work to do.

The pandemic continues to have impacts across Madagascar beyond health. Already fragile livelihoods, and food security, are dramatically deteriorating. Unique and precious natural habitats and endangered species are under increasing pressure. The SEED team continue working closely with local community to counteract negative impacts wherever they arise, and we’d love you to continue to join us in this work.

Even in these uncertain times we think that it is important to celebrate our accomplishments. For nine years we’ve been working to understand and conserve the lemurs of Sainte Luce littoral forests. We will soon be into our 10th year of data collection and are now monitoring to safeguard against changes related to the pandemic. It’ll be a very exciting year for us as our newly planted forest corridors start to be populated. 

To generate further funds, and in tribute to Project Ala, increasing viable habitat to four endangered lemur species, we’ve a limited number of fantastic ring-tailed lemur (‘Maki’ in Malagasy) masks available to purchase. Get yours here: and please do pass on word to others that may be interested. As before all funds raised go to our COVID appeal, supporting SEED projects in these difficult times 
Once again thank you for your support and do get your orders in for the masks soon if you would like one!!

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