Subject: Hi Friend, we have 50 Limited Edition Mouse Lemur Art Prints to give away!

Plus an update on food distribution and our first carbon neutral school to-be

Hi Friend,

With its closed borders making visiting impossible for most, we’re bringing Madagascar to you instead! We have teamed up with artist Louise Miller to launch 50 limited edition Anosy Mouse Lemur art prints, to help fund our work expanding lemur habitats! Collaborations are also happening elsewhere in SEED this month as our Project Sekoly team ventures into the world of tree planting our Project Ala’s speciality to embark on a school-building project with a difference. As life in many of our home countries starts to return to some semblance of normality, we are thinking of those around the world who are still being impacted by COVID-19 in theirs. In addition to Madagascar being among the countries that are currently experiencing a spike of coronavirus cases, food availability is still a problem for many in its Anosy region where we are based, and we are continuing our Food Distribution work. SEED would like to send its friends and colleagues around the world our thoughts and well-wishes at this deeply difficult time.

Anosy Mouse Lemur art print. Photo: Louise Miller

Limited Edition Anosy Mouse Lemur Artwork

To help us fundraise for Project Ala, we have 50 Anosy Mouse Lemur art prints to give away! By Louise Miller, who has worked with the likes of Disney, Cartoon Network, and MTV, these framed prints of the endangered Microcebus tanosi will be sent to the first 50 supporters of Phase II of our Project Ala. This second project phase aims to increase the habitat size of forest corridors for the Anosy Mouse Lemur (plus two other endangered lemur species), trial novel forest protection measures, and improve forest management skills of the local community. To help conserve the homes of these little lemurs and bring a touch of Madagascar to yours…

Get your print now
Or increase your existing donation to receive a print!

Women and their children collecting food parcels in Manambaro. Photo: Patrick Razafindrainibe

An Update on Food Distribution

Thanks to your kind donations, we have been able to start distributing food across 41 villages in Anosy. The first food parcels containing rice, beans, and oil have been distributed by our team on-the-ground to 653 families of children suffering from moderate to severe acute malnutrition. Ready-to-use therapeutic food, an energy-dense paste enriched with vitamins and minerals that is specifically designed to treat children suffering from malnutrition, has been distributed to 515 children suffering from moderate acute malnutrition. Whilst significant progress has been made, new reports from the team this month show that there has been an 84% increase in the number of children suffering from severe acute malnutrition in the region, from 75 to 138 cases. This rise reflects the worsening situation regarding food shortages in the area, and we are increasing our fundraising efforts to try to ensure that all those who need assistance can receive it.

Help us expand our response

Boys in school in Ifarantsa. Photo: Mark Jacobs

Coming Soon: SEED's First Carbon Neutral School

In Madagascar, 60% of primary school aged children do not attend school - that’s 1,300,000+ children who aren’t getting a formal education. Project Sekoly, our Education Infrastructure programme, is on a mission to reduce this statistic! With half of the pupils at Emagnevy Primary School only able to attend half days due to overcrowded classrooms, teaching impossible on rainy days because of leaking roofs, and without handwashing facilities or on-site water sources, improving the school environment here should make learning for its 350 pupils easier and more enjoyable. We hope to achieve this by repairing the school’s existing buildings, constructing 2 new classrooms, a house for teachers, 2 rainwater harvesting systems, and sanitation facilities. With the right funds we intend for this to be our first carbon neutral school build, where our Positive Footprint Programme will plant community-managed trees covering an area large enough to offset the carbon footprint of the school, and to provide food and sustainable wood harvests for the community.

Support our first carbon neutral school build
Read more about Project Sekoly

Monthly Mini Malagasy Lesson

Sekoly = School | Ala = Forest | Hazo = Tree

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