Subject: Hi Friend, here’s the latest from SEED Madagascar

An exciting new project, another school completed and more!
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SEED Madagascar

Hi Friend,
In difficult times, it’s important to see the small glimmers of hope and happiness that shine through the clouds. We must take solace in the successes we’ve enjoyed together, and look forward to those which are yet to come, when the current crisis is over. This month from Madagascar we bring updates from our WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) and Education Infrastructure teams, as well as more information on Coronavirus preparations.
Coronavirus in Madagascar
On Friday 20th March the Malagasy Government confirmed the first cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Madagascar. Although relatively strong measures are in place, the virus has begun to spread, and we fear that cases will increase rapidly in the near future.

We are working hard to increase community preparedness here in Madagascar, with activities including:
  • Distributing hundreds of informational posters
  • Broadcasting radio programmes
  • Using our social media to disseminate accurate, useful information
We understand that at the moment everyone is facing a difficult time, both financially and personally, but we must ask you for your help nonetheless. If you can spare a few pounds, or share our story with your friends and family, it could make a life-saving difference in Madagascar.
An Exciting New Beginning
Last month, we embarked on our biggest project to date. In partnership with UNICEF Madagascar, we are working on a year-long project to promote safe water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) using a Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach in communities across the whole of Anosy region - 189,000 people!

Although the Coronavirus crisis will pose significant challenges to this project, we are working with UNICEF Madagascar and following official guidelines to see which activities of this life-saving project can continue in some form during the crisis. WASH education in the context of the Coronavirus is more important than ever, as one of the preventative measures which will help to slow the spread of the virus.

Ranomafana school finished!
According to a UNICEF report in 2018, Madagascar has the world’s fifth highest number of out-of-school children. For those who do attend school, many will be in an overcrowded classroom, and may not get a full day’s education.

In Ranomafana, a remote community in Anosy, young people’s ability to access a full and proper education will now be vastly improved, with SEED having recently completed construction of a new high school in the town - the only upper education facility in an 80km radius!

The fully furnished three-classroom school, complete with six latrines and a menstrual hygiene management facility, will provide a safe, quality learning environment for young people to be able to make the most of their education opportunities, as well as facilitating good hygiene practices.

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