Subject: Hi Friend, Merry Christmas from SEED Madagascar! ⛄🎁

A dragonfly rediscovered after 109 years, just in time for Xmas...
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SEED Madagascar

Hi Friend,
We’ve had another exciting month in Madagascar, with the rediscovery of a dragonfly species last seen over a century ago in Sainte Luce. Meanwhile Project Safidy held their second national conference in Madagascar, and we’re fundraising in both cryptocurrency and "real" money...
Merry Christmas from SEED Madagascar!
As the year comes to a close we’d like to say a big thank-you to all of our supporters, partners and friends – it is you that make our work here in Madagascar possible. Next year we want to do even more:
  • Provide a studio space for traditional Mahampy-weaving women
  • Deliver improved healthcare and maternal and sexual education
  • Continue tree planting to safeguard threatened species of lemur
Small regular donations are vital to continue this work and our Christmas appeal this year will support us to support communities to earn a living, remain healthy and build schools in some of the most inaccessible places in Madagascar. Please pass on this newsletter and our Christmas appeal to a friend, giving them an insight into the work that you are part of and helping to grow our family of supporters across the world.
Species rediscovered after a century!
In 1907 the Libellulosoma minutum dragonfly was observed for the first time, and then disappeared for 109 years until it was rediscovered by the SCRP team in the Sainte Luce forests in 2016. Our new paper confirming this rediscovery has just been published in conjunction with Oxford Brookes University, Naturalis Biodiversity Center and the University of Hamburg.

With all of the 5 observed dragonflies being male, the hunt is now on for a female and the team will be out in 2020 with their dragonfly nets searching them out. To be part of this team, check out the dates for 2-10 weeks working with the research team in Sainte Luce.
2nd National conference for Safidy
We may laugh about our experience of sex education at school, but at least we were given something. In Madagascar, that is not always the case and SEED's Safidy (meaning choice in Malagasy) Team has been working for 3 years to change this.

In November, the team brought together 114 sexual and reproductive health rights professionals to discuss how to increase awareness and provision to young people in Madagascar. The event was opened by the British Ambassador, and representatives from 52 different organisations shared their work and ideas on how to give young people the vital information needed to keep themselves healthy.
Turn bitcoin into benches
SEED Madagascar is one of the first charities in the UK to accept donations in the form of cryptocurrency!

We're excited to embrace the possibility of these new technologies and expand our ability to reach potential supporters. We aim to make the donation process as smooth as possible and make it easy for supporters to reach us and make a difference. Currently we can accept donations of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash.

Right now we're also fundraising on crypto-giving platform HelperBit, to try and raise enough money to build school 100 benches before Christmas. Any spare currency in your wallet?


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