Subject: Hi Friend, Happy New Year from SEED Madagascar!

Mahampy studio construction, volunteering, and how to "Run for SEED"!
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SEED Madagascar

Hi Friend,
As we start the new year at SEED, we’re thinking about the future. With the construction of the weavers’ studio in Sainte Luce this month, Project Mahampy is starting an exciting new phase. Meanwhile in the surrounding forest our Conservation Research Team are back at work collecting data and leading conservation efforts to protect this stunning ecosystem for future generations.
Thanks for your support!
Our Christmas Appeal was a big success, raising over £2,200 in one-off donations and £240 per month in regular donations. We want to say a massive thank you to everyone who donated to and shared the appeal. 2020 is going to be a very busy year for us, thanks to your generosity!

If your New Year’s Resolution was to take up running, get in touch - we regularly have places in marathons and other races.
Mahampy Studio under construction
As 2019 drew to a close, Project Mahampy saw the successful creation of several Cooperatives for traditional weavers to work together and negotiate better prices with resellers. Mahampy, a type of reed, grows abundantly in the area and is woven into goods including hats, mats and baskets.

This month saw the start of construction on a brand new studio for the weavers to create and sell their products!
Continuing Conservation in Sainte Luce
Our conservation and research team is back hard at work in Sainte Luce, collecting data on the flora and fauna of the littoral forest. Leading conservation efforts in the area, our researchers are also involved in community initiatives and environmental education.

Volunteers can join this unique programme for 2-10 weeks and make a real contribution to the conservation and research efforts while enjoying an amazing experience in Madagascar.

Do you know someone looking for a new adventure in 2020?


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