Subject: Hi, Friend! Building resilience for people and planet in 2023 💪🌳

Skilled women, saving the bees and lots of lobster!

Hi Friend,

Join us this month for a look at the projects featured in 2022’s Christmas Appeal: Recovery & Resilience! Going into 2023 we’re transitioning from the emergency response that 2021 and 2022 called for, and strengthening our livelihoods programme to enable greater resilience for communities in the southeast of Madagascar 🇲🇬 

Read on to find out how we’re empowering women to generate income, working with local people to save the bees and develop artisanal skills, and supporting sustainable fishing practices. Plus a few highlights from our conservation and health projects too! 👇

Weavers in the Mahampy studio

Empowering women 👭💪

Project Mahampy is increasing income for traditional reed-weavers, and facilitating the sustainable management of the mahampy reed beds in Sainte Luce. Opportunities for women to generate income are limited, and during tough periods of famine, price hikes and resource challenges, additional household income is incredibly important. Through product diversification training and education sessions on financial literacy and business skills, women are able to generate supplementary income for their households, even enabling them to save for those tougher periods of the year. 

The Stitch Sainte Luce Embroidery Cooperative works similarly, enabling women to supplement their household income through the sale of embroidery products. The Stitch products are available to purchase on Etsy; they make a unique gift from which the income from each item goes directly back to the Cooperative, and the embroiderer whose name is stitched inside 🧡

Checking on the hives

A hive of activity 🐝

Project Renitantely is working to improve the sustainability of beekeeping as an income-generating activity for rural communities. Southeast Madagascar is home to the native Madagascar honey bee, which like most species of bees, are vulnerable to the impact of climate change, habitat loss and use of pesticides. This project helps to protect and grow colonies of honey bees whilst enabling beekeepers to collect artisanal honey that can be sold at local markets to supplement incomes. The project is busy trialling some new techniques and different forage options to increase yields.  

As part of the Christmas Appeal, you can get your hands on some limited edition jars of Project Renitantely honey! Get yours here 👇

Bringing in the catch!

Longevity of Lobsters! 🦞

Project Oratsimba encourages community-based, sustainable, lobster fishery management. Fishers navigate dangerous seas in fragile and unstable canoes for the chance to earn around £1 per day, and in places like Sainte Luce, lobster fishing generates income for 80% of households 🛶 However, overfishing, illegal practices and increasingly unpredictable weather patterns threaten the security of the lobster industry and there are very few other employment opportunities in the region.

We’re supporting communities with locally-managed marine areas and no-take zones to encourage healthy lobster populations and secure livelihoods 🦞 Climate resilience plays a big role in the longevity of lobster fishing as a livelihood, read more about it on the SEED blog 👇 

Boakamainty thriving in the Project Palms nursery

More Project Highlights 🌴

  • In the Anosy region of southeast Madagascar where SEED operates, 97% of people do not have access to basic sanitation. To tackle this, every school build includes toilets and sanitation facilities, and our Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene education sessions train teachers to deliver lessons to students on topics such as latrine use and maintenance 🧼

  • November was a busy month for Project Votsira! 328 mothers, 324 fathers, 327 grandmothers, and 327 young women attended education sessions and learned about the importance of breastfeeding, optimal nutrition, and family planning 👩‍🍼

  • Beccariophoenix madagascariensis - locally known as boakamainty in Malagasy - is one of six threatened palm species that SEED is growing in the nursery to help boost local palm populations. With the nice warm temperatures lately, the seeds are thriving!🌴

Not sure what to put on your Christmas list this year?

How about passing your loved ones’ generosity on by setting up a fundraiser? Here’s how.

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