Subject: Hi Friend, here’s your August newsletter from SEED Madagascar!

Another school built, and the latest from our conservation projects
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SEED Madagascar

Hi Friend,
Even as we adapt to face the challenges of the pandemic, the difficulties of public health, and the impact of COVID-19 on the economy, we have one eye on the future. This month, we’ve completed construction on a new primary school in an isolated rural area, taught school children how to grow healthy trees, and continued work on our reforestation corridors. Thank you again to all of our supporters, without you our work would not be possible!
Breaking new ground in rural education
This month, despite delays caused by COVID-19 restrictions, and heavy rains cutting off the village for weeks, the team has won out and Mananara II primary school is finished. The first concrete building in the village, it will provide a safe, dedicated learning environment for 225 students. Now a short rest for the construction team, before they head out in September to Vatambe to start building the next school!
New partnerships against COVID-19
Officially, cases of COVID-19 in Madagascar are stabilizing, and in most areas lockdown measures are easing. However, with extremely limited testing facilities throughout the country, and few preventative measures, it is unlikely to be over yet. This month, SEED has begun new COVID-19 response projects working with the British Embassy in Madagascar, and separately with UNICEF Madagascar, to provide information, resources and preventative measures to those not able to access government help.
Project Ala growing well
Our reforestation project in Sainte Luce, Ala, continues to make great progress this month. Laza and the team have recently begun trials of natural pesticides (made from garlic, soap and aloe) in the tree nursery, school children have been learning the secrets to successful tree husbandry, and best of all some seedlings in the corridors are almost 2 metres tall!

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