Subject: Hi Friend, get the latest from our work in Madagascar! 🇲🇬

Conservation work in Sainte Luce, rural WASH, and our mask exchange
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SEED Madagascar

Hi Friend,
This month from Madagascar, we bring you updates on our environmental conservation work in Sainte Luce, our mask exchange, and the opportunity to experience a day in the life of our rural WASH team. During these difficult times for SEED, even small things like sharing our message to your friends and family can make a big difference, and we are exceptionally grateful for your continued support during this time.
Need a mask? Buy it from SEED!
Our mask exchange started with a simple idea: sell masks in the UK for £5, for which we could make at least five masks in Madagascar, providing protection to those who would not otherwise have access to masks. So far, volunteer makers in the UK have made, posted and sold 768 masks and the £4,312 this has raised is already being used as part of SEED’s response to the crisis. Together with the #MasksforMadagascar appeal, SEED has already distributed 8,448 masks, provided 26 mobile handwashing stations and is working in health clinics and antenatal sessions. A massive thanks to our volunteer makers for taking on this challenge.
COVID response through water and sanitation
When SEED began a joint water and sanitation project with UNICEF back in February, little did we know how vital this would be as a means of getting COVID-19 information and resources to people. Quickly adapting as the pandemic hit Madagascar, the team has so far provided information sessions to over 13,000 people, training on building handwashing stations to 7,552 people, and has partnered SEED’s mask exchange in distributing over 2,500 masks to the most rural areas in which it works. The team of 24 Community Agents work in tough conditions, often in villages with no electricity, tapped water or health clinics, bringing lifesaving information and skills to rural communities.
Environmental conservation in Sainte Luce
Worldwide, the pandemic is predicted to have a devastating effect on the environment and already there are reports of increased hunting, logging, and tavy (slash and burn agriculture) around Madagascar. In Sainte Luce, luckily we haven’t seen this yet, but with fragile forest systems, endangered species, and people not able to access regular work, this is still a possibility. Hoby, Tsiraiky, Laza and Sylvie are monitoring this, while continuing to map the wetlands where women gather reeds for weaving, and planting reforestation corridors so wildlife can move between the fragmented sections of forest. By looking at threats now and supporting the community through SEED’s other projects, the team is protecting Sainte Luce’s natural resources for the future.
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