Subject: Hi Friend, get the latest from SEED Madagascar!

Stitch is back in the Studio, and an update from our WASH team!
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SEED Madagascar

Hi Friend,
In Madagascar, September is the month for beginning anew. The weather begins to warm up, the lemur babies are due, and the school year begins. In Sainte Luce, the Stitch Cooperative has returned to the Studio, working on beautiful new designs and unique products - which we hope will be in the Etsy store for Christmas! Meanwhile in the wider Anosy region, big changes are underway in sanitation and hygiene...
Back in the Studio
Things have been difficult this year for our partners Stitch Sainte Luce. The tourist market collapsed overnight, internal travel links stopped so they were unable to purchase threads, and international flight restrictions have caused delays sending products for sale online. However, the Stitch Sainte Luce Cooperative is now back in the Studio and working hard. With Christmas now on our minds, why not treat family and friends to a beautiful hand embroidered purse, cushion cover or make up bag as that special gift under the Christmas tree this year? With the sales providing much needed income this year to the embroiderers in Sainte Luce, it’s a great way to spread a little christmas cheer.
Rural healthcare in Anosy
This year we were very excited to begin a new WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) collaboration with UNICEF Madagascar, aiming to eliminate open defecation, improve hygiene practices, and increase access to clean water. We have already reached over 1,200 rural villages with information on handwashing, making your own hand washing station and building your own toilet. With everyone around the world becoming more aware of how simple techniques such as handwashing can protect families and save lives, the work of this team is ever more crucial in isolated and rural areas.
Back to school with Project Sekoly
How do you pay for school fees and uniforms, if the cost is more than your entire salary? This is a problem faced by many people in Madagascar as the new school year begins. Education is essential to breaking the poverty cycle, yet in the Anosy region where we’re based, half of children have never been to primary school. However, thanks to a great idea from Lomba, we have found a way to help some children in the SEED family get off to a good start.

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