Subject: Hi Friend, come along to SEED's talk this evening! 💬

How is SEED responding to the famine in southern Madagascar?

Emil, SEED's Data Collector, helping Mariane with emergency prepared food in Ebakika, Anosy. Photo: Daniel Wood

A Talk with The Team:

How is SEED responding to the Famine in Southern Madagascar?

Thank you for the support that you have shown our Emergency Response to southern Madagascar's humanitarian crisis over the last six months. Today (15th July) at 18.00 BST, SEED will be holding a talk on Zoom to share what a difference the work that you have supported has made to the lives of those at the centre of this crisis. We will be sharing stories and insights from the team who continue to lead SEED's response across Madagascar's Anosy region, as well as lessons we have learnt, future plans for this work, and some amazing success stories from the initial round of our food distribution.

Zoom link to the Talk (for 15/7 @ 18.00 BST)

SEED's Emergency



Over the last six months, SEED has been working to assist 653 families across 41 villages in Madagascar's Anosy region.

Read more

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