Subject: Hi Friend, are you Team Lemur or Team Bee?!

More from our Big Five appeal, women in fisheries, and fire response.

Hi Friend,

It's been a month of highs and lows in Madagascar. We've celebrated World Fisheries Day and the continuing success of Project Oratsimba, and enjoyed learning about some of our SEED Big Five species, thanks to amazing videos from our champions. Meanwhile, a devastating fire in a neighbourhood near our office destroyed 37 homes, but thanks to the generosity of our supporters we were able to respond quickly, providing essential items. Read on to find out more...

A brown lemur gazes down from a tree

The Big Five: Lemurs or Bees?

This month we continue our look at The Big Five of Sainte Luce, with species champions Tsiraiky and Juve weighing in to tell us why their species is important to the ecosystem and livelihoods in Madagascar. Did you know that lemurs have three types of grooming behaviour? Or that beekeeping provides a key livelihood in Madagascar?

Which species gets your vote?

Bringing in the catch at the lobster fishery in Sainte Luce

Sustainable Fisheries; Healthy Oceans

Project Oratsimba, our community-based fisheries management project, recently marked World Fisheries Day with a blog post summarising the amazing achievements since the project began. Despite 2020 being a difficult year, the team has still made impressive progress towards gender equity in fisheries, and livelihoods protection in another community!

Read the full article on our blog

Aftermath of the fire in Ambinanikely, with destroyed homes

Ambinanikely Fire Response

In the afternoon of November 4th, a fire broke out in Ambinanikely, a neighbourhood less than ½ mile from our office. Fanned by extremely strong winds, it quickly spread through the wooden houses in one of the poorest neighbourhoods in Fort Dauphin. By the time the fire was extinguished, 37 homes had been destroyed and the families living there had been left with nothing.

Thanks to the generosity of SEED supporters like you, we were able to mobilise quickly, providing an initial response within 48 hours of essential items like buckets and jerry cans. We have carried out further distributions since of food, blankets, mosquito nets, and menstrual hygiene management items.

Thank you to everyone who donated to help begin rebuilding these lives.

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