Subject: Hi, Friend! We’re getting greener! 🐸🌳📚

Ala's active corridors, carbon neutral schools + there’s room for you in the Fort Dauphin office! 🌿

Hi Friend,

Tumultuous times make celebrating successes all the more sweet for the SEED team.

The impact of the current world crises is unfolding amongst the communities we work with and putting pressure on our resources. Rising food and fuel prices along with unpredictable weather conditions continue, but our incredible project teams have been working tirelessly over the last few weeks and thanks to your support we’ve been able to see some brilliant results.

Project Ala’s corridors are growing and we’re discovering lots of exciting new inhabitants; more of Project Sekoly’s schools are getting a green makeover as we embark on our fourth school with a community tree plantation;

and our team is growing as new staff fill our vacancies.

Some of the SEED team at the summer picnic in Sainte Luce

All roles lead to Madagascar! 🇲🇬

Looking for a new job? 

There’s a variety of roles open across all our project areas, the majority of which are in-country positions. Joining our Madagascar team is a fantastic opportunity to get hands-on experience with sustainable development projects in the most beautiful place in the world. Hit the button below to find your dream job 😁

We’d love for you to share this email or our careers link with anyone you know who might be interested 🧡

Boettger's reed frog (Heterixalus boettgeri)

Ala's fearless frogs! 🐸🦎

As the corridors connecting the forest fragments in Sainte Luce continue to grow,

SEED’s researchers have been keeping an eye on the animals that are slowly beginning to use them. The latest report shows that from the 178 herpetofauna (reptiles and amphibians) surveys completed in the corridors and fragments, 37 different species have been spotted. Eleven of these species were seen in the corridors, and three were found only in the corridors and nowhere else. Frogs and skinks were the most adventurous, using the corridors to cross open ground.

Stay tuned for the next report to hear about more new corridor residents.

Want in on the action? 👇

Distribution of basic food supplies to families in the southeast

World crises impact Madagascar 🌍

Despite having one of the smallest contributions to climate change, Madagascar is one of the most vulnerable nations to the climate crisis. The famine we have been responding to over the last 18 months has been caused by extended periods of drought, and a shift in seasonal weather patterns. This, in the wake of the pandemic and coupled with the war in Ukraine, is impacting both people’s everyday lives in Madagascar and SEED’s operations. The cost of basic food items has more than doubled, soap is now 1000 Ariary (20p) compared to the 2019 price of 500 Ariary (10p), and although this may not sound a lot, when families are struggling to buy food, soap is often a luxury that has to go having a knock on effect on rates of sickness. Last month saw petrol prices in Madagascar rise by 44% overnight, impacting local businesses and making travel to the bush more expensive across all of our projects.   

With a significant proportion of our supporters being from the UK, the cost of living crisis here is now impacting people’s ability to donate to charity; in recent months we have seen a significant drop in donations.

As all this unfolds, thank you for continuing to support us and make those all important monthly donations which ensure we can continue our work 🧡

New living fence around Project Sekoly's plantations

Schools are getting greener! 🌱

Since 2005, Project Sekoly has improved access to education for children in the Anosy region through the construction and repair of education infrastructure.

Unfortunately, this produces unavoidable carbon emissions through the production and transport of materials such as cement, rebar, metal roofing, steel wire and paint. To offset the carbon footprint of the construction, the “Sekoly Maintso”, or “Green School” component of each project is planting trees that will both offset and provide a resource for the local community 🌿

Help us plant the trees for Sarisambo School here 👇

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Why not set up a Facebook fundraiser to celebrate instead? Here’s how.

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