Subject: Hello from SEED Madagascar Friend! 👋

An area of extreme biodiversity: Conserving, researching, and awareness-raising in Sainte Luce

As a supporter of SEED Madagascar's work on Sweatcoin, we thought you might like to hear a little more about our latest conservation activities!

Our tree-planting project, Project Ala, has recently started Phase II after a successful initial phase in which the team planted 7,562 trees in southeast Madagascar! Project Ala isn’t the only team who have seen success recently either, as SEED’s Project Rufus team recorded 700+ Malagasy Flying Foxes - a species that they had been working to protect during Phase I of the project, and will be continuing to work with next year! SEED’s Conservation Research Team has been working on a handy chameleon guide to help those of us who aren't biologists identify Sainte Luce's species, as we look forward to starting our next project with a newly-discovered species of chameleon in Madagascar! 

We continue all of our conservation work alongside our Emergency Food Distribution Response as Madagascar battles drought, failed harvests, and now famine. SEED is supporting clinically malnourished children and their families in Madagascar's southeast Anosy region, read more. 

Reforesting Madagascar

SEED's Project Ala seeks to reforest areas of littoral forest in Madagascar’s southeast region to protect the area of extreme biodiversity, Sainte Luce, and its three species of Critically Endangered lemur inhabitants. Below, in the middle of one of the forest corridors constructed by Project Ala, Raziva stands next to an Acacia tree the team planted. At over 3 metres tall, the Acacia in this corridor are thriving, thanks to the love and care given to them by our national team who, at the start of the pandemic, were tasked with rearing the trees during the region’s worst drought on record. The fruits of their labour recently took the spotlight as it was found that an average of more than 90% of trees in Project Ala’s corridors had survived! Without intervention from projects such as Ala, it is estimated that 91% of littoral forest (and therefore much of its lemur population) will be lost by 2065.

Support SEED's Tree Planting Work

By donating ÂŁ100 or ÂŁ10 p/m, you will receive a limited edition mouse lemur print!

       700 bats?!

That’s how many Malagasy Flying Foxes (Pteropus rufus) our team spotted on their last bush trip! We hope to see this number continue to grow, as SEED’s Project Rufus team looks forward to continuing its work with local communities to raise awareness of the vital role that these bats play in Sainte Luce’s ecosystems, which sustain life and livelihoods alike. Sadly, the population of these bats has decreased by ~65% since 1982, due to increased logging activity disturbing bats’ roosts. To reduce the threats to these incredible creatures, SEED is hoping to secure enough support for Phase II of Project Rufus, to continue this vital research and community education programme. 

Learn more about Helping Rufus

       A New Species of Chameleon?!

For conservation plans to be effective, they need to be informed by thorough research; that’s where SEED’s Conservation Research team comes in! Together with expert local guides, our experienced joint national and international team are currently seeking funding to learn more about a new species of chameleon, Palleon cf. nasus, which has been found by SEED’s Conservation Research team. Gaining a deeper understanding of the species living in Sainte Luce’s littoral forest will help to inform SEED’s future conservation plans to protect this species - a timely pursuit with proposed local mining activities soon set to bring a new threat to the area and its biodiversity.

Take a look at this chameleon identification guide, made by our Conservation Research Team 👇

Help Fund SEED's Research of This Novel Species

Thank you for your support of our projects here at SEED Madagascar! If you would like to keep up-to-date with our work, please follow us on social media:


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