Subject: Cue the solar-brations Friend! 🌞

Veloma fossil fuels, salama cryptocurrency, and misaotra for your COVID-19 response support!

Hi Friend,

Here at SEED, we’re always searching for ways we can maximise the positive impact of our work whilst minimising the carbon footprint we leave in the process. This is where #MatchingMarch comes in: the campaign that will positively change our energy use and help us on our mission to see thriving ecosystems and communities across Southeast Madagascar. The progression certainly doesn’t end there this month, with SEED’s foot firmly on the gas (read: solar energy!) to increase its involvement with cryptocurrency alongside regular currency donations. This work has the ultimate aim of strengthening our projects, such as our COVID-19 response, which has seen further success this month as it nears completion. 

Solar for SEED đŸŒž

Last month SEED received an exciting offer from a mystery donor: “for every £1 donated to SEED’s Positive Footprints Solar Energy (PFSE) project, we will match it”. Much like the fossil fuels that our office in Fort Dauphin is currently powered by, we know that these offers are infinitely valuable but finite in quantity so, without further ado, let us introduce you to our new campaign: #MatchingMarch. Our PFSE project will end our office's reliance on fossil fuels by transforming SEED’s energy supply with solar panels, making it 85% renewable. Crucially solar panels will remedy the regular blackouts of the office, which will increase staff capacity and save £200+ of vital funds every month - money better spent on delivering our important project work in Southeast Madagascar.

For every ÂŁ1 you donate to our PFSE project during #MatchingMarch, this amount will be matched, doubling your donation!

Get involved with #MatchingMarch
Watch our Solar for SEED video introduction

Our two pence* on the topic of cryptocurrency 💰

As you may already know, cryptocurrency usage has been growing in global popularity with many people, companies, and sectors moving towards adopting it as their primary form of currency. Recognising the need to diversify its own funding sources, SEED is seeking to revitalise its approach to digital currencies and explore their evolving benefits for fundraising. To find out more about what cryptocurrency really is (in layman’s terms!), why we’ve decided to accept it, and how it can do some real good for small organisations like ours, have a read of this week’s blog from our Corporate Liaison Officer Rebecca. 


Donate cryptocurrency
Check out this week's blog

COVID-19 in Madagascar đŸ˜·

With a severe lack of access to healthcare, sanitation, and with a bottle of hand sanitiser the equivalent price of the average daily wage, we knew that we needed to react quickly to the threat of COVID-19 in Madagascar last year. As we near completion of our COVID-19 response, we wanted to share with you some final outcomes of this project.

To-date SEED has:

  • Trained 108 healthcare professionals across 10 clinics from Manambaro to Mahatalaky in COVID-19 prevention and disinfection techniques

  • Distributed 4,390 masks to healthcare facility staff and patients

  • Delivered 480 COVID-19 awareness sessions at antenatal visits, reaching a total of 14,076 women

  • Lead 1,470 handwashing information sessions

  • Disseminated 1,310 informational posters and 521 radio messages

Thank you to those of you who supported this response with your generous donations, and to the British Embassy for its additional funding of this work.

We are now working alongside 5 of these health clinics to deliver our food insecurity response.

Support our food distribution appeal

NEW! Mini Malagasy Lesson

  Salama = Hello | Veloma = Goodbye | Misaotra = Thank you

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