Subject: 99.3% success rate! 👏

The stats speak for themselves...

An unexpected change in funding has left us short by £24,000, a gap we’re desperately trying to fill before 28th April to ensure we can complete the final part of this round of our Emergency Food Distribution Programme.

Scroll down to see what your donations have achieved so far and donate at the button below!

Since 2021, SEED has been supporting communities across the Anosy region with our Emergency Food Distribution Programme. After the impacts of COVID-19, two severe cyclones in Emnati and Batsirai, and the worst drought since the 1980's that has ensued, around 1.5 million people have been left unable to access sufficient levels of food.

SEED has responded with a short-term approach to address growing food insecurity, improve health behaviours, and encourage the increased use of contraceptive services at local health centres. In our most recently completed round, we saw a recovery rate from severe and moderate malnutrition of 99.3%!

We seek to empower communities with the knowledge to make informed decisions on their health and wellbeing, hoping to continue to diversify the ways in which we support communities to recover from past challenges, and develop resilience for the future.

Thank you, as always.

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