Subject: Paradise Valley MarketWatch - Monthly Hot Sheet, New Bank Foreclosure, and More

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - Monthly Hot Sheet, New Bank Foreclosure, and More

January 19th, 2013 at 11:30 pm MST

Hi Friend, Steve Jobs built Apple on one simpleprinciple: insanely great products. Apple'smission above all else, including profits,was to deliver the very best experience forcustomers. Steve Jobs and the Appleteam knew that the profits would take c ...

quick question

January 16th, 2013 at 11:37 pm MST

Hi Friend, Are you on Facebook? Now you can get even more information about Paradise Valley real estate on my page It's one of the many new services that are rolling out this year to benefit you. You'll still get the best ...

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - A Tale of Two Homes

January 11th, 2013 at 11:30 pm MST

Good morning Friend, This week I'm giving you a pop quiz! The facts Two homes were listed this week, both are roughly the same size at 7,100-7,200 square feet. Both are on similar size lots 42-45,000 square feet. The big difference between them is o ...

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - 14 New Listings for the New Year

January 4th, 2013 at 9:39 pm MST

Happy New Year Friend,Big plans for 2013 to bring youthe best level of service possible. Inaddition to the weekly summary youcurrently receive, there will be a monthlysummary that shows all listing andsales activity on a map, so you canbetter visuali ...

Fiscal Cliff Bill and Real Estate

January 3rd, 2013 at 5:26 am MST

Hi Friend, hope you had a wonderful New Year's celebration. Happily, it looks like we can put the fiscal cliff drama behind us. Belowis a brief summary of the fiscal cliff bill's impact on real estate, hope youfind it helpful.In 2013 I will be doing ...