Subject: Government Mandated Protection for Your Home


The State of Arizona provides protection for your home
in the event that you are ever sued by creditors.  If there's
a judgment against you the creditor cannot force the sale
of your home unless the equity is greater than the value of
the homestead exemption and all outstanding liens.  This
State provided protection has saved many homeowners
who have been sued in today's lawsuit happy world.

But what about the cash sitting in a money market fund?
How is that protected?  If you are ever sued, and someone
wins a judgment larger than what the insurance company
will pay - which is increasingly common - any cash you
have sitting in a money market fund is gone.

I recently learned about a great solution to this problem, it's
like homesteading for your cash.  It provides the liquidity
of a money market fund and iron-clad protection against
creditors.  I thought my clients would want to know about
it, so I'm passing along this information.  You only get
up to $150k equity protection for your home, but you can
get up to $10 million of cash protection, with some simple steps.

To learn more, please call my friend Jeff Christenson,
principal of Christenson Wealth Advisors.  Jeff can be
reached at 602-808-5580, please tell him I sent you and he'll
provide you a consultation at no cost.

Best Regards,

p.s. Attached are details of Arizona's Homestead Exemption
for your reference, just click here: