Subject: There is still time to apply for fundingFriend

Finally, it feels like Summer!

But before you get too distracted by the thoughts of long Summer holidays - don't miss out on the chance to generate some extra bits of funding for your school for next academic year.

Planning ahead is vital to fundraising - but I've done a bit of the legwork for you here!

Universal Music UK Sound Foundation School Awards is currently open to applications and they will support applications for up to £1500 from Schools (teaching the national curriculum) based in the UK and Ireland towards the cost of musical resources. For children aged up to 13 years old.

The deadline is 1pm on 10th August - but I'd suggest getting this done before the chaos excitement of 'end of term' begins.

They give some very specific guidance on the website - so please make sure you read it carefully - but this is a fairly straightforward application process.

Make sure you save the application form before you begin to fill it in!

Before you plunge into the application form think about these key things:

  • Why you need financial assistance (what else is taking priority of your funds)

  • What you intend to use the funds for (what you will actually buy)

  • How these funds will make a difference (to the students/pupils - not to your school - how will the money change things for them?)

Henry Smith Charity - Holiday Grants are accepting applications for trips taking place between 4th July and 4th September (applications accepted until 30th June). So this deadline is great for any Summer Programmes you might be running.

If you have any trips (including residentials) taking place during the first term of next academic year they will be accepting applications from 1st July until 30th September. Giving you just enough time to get this in before you break of for Summer!

NB. Grants are given on a first come first served basis - get your application in asap, as it may shut before the deadline.

London Mathematical Society will give Small Grants for Education


To stimulate interest and enable involvement in mathematics from Key Stage 1 (age 5+) to Undergraduate level and beyond, by:

  1. enhancing and enriching mathematical study beyond the curriculum;

  2. engaging the public with mathematics;

  3. encouraging unusual ways of communicating mathematics.

The committee will usually look to an upper limit for awards in the range £600-£800.

Next deadline is 31st August (decisions made in September) and the grant should be for a specific project. Great for one-off family learning activities, to bring in an expert for a specific activity, or perhaps a cross curricular or extra curricular activity.

Longer term.....

British Science Week takes place in March each year and for 2023, the theme is 'Connections' and runs from 10th to 19th March.

A range of grants are available and the deadlines are usually in early November - so now is the time to start thinking about what you could apply for!

There are several different grants, and this link explains the 2022 guidance just to give you a bit of an idea.

Have a look at your planning for next year - could you run a week of themed science assemblies? Could you run a family learning event? (I once got funding to get Think Forensic to turn a village school into a crime scene.....!)

No mad rush for this one, but if you can have a think about what you might want to do - and get some quotes and dates ready - you'll have a head start when the new application guidance is published in September.

Finally - I could really do with your help!!

Could you complete this simple survey for me? This helps me create the most useful and relevant newsletters for you. It will literally take you just 4 or 5 ticks...!

I'll pop back before the end of the academic year - but it may be just a fleeting visit! Hope the remainder of this term is kind to you.

Take care,


PS. If you need help right now - and just want some 'real time' answers to your questions, and to find out what is possible for your school - why not book in for a Power Hour with me.

That's one whole hour devoted to your specific school needs.

It's a one off session designed to save you time. You, your staff, or (both) can meet with me via video call (Teams or Zoom)

Priced at £99 - this session will give you the knowledge and confidence to generate much more income for your school community.

I can give you a general overview - or help you navigate a specific funding application or project.

Just book in using this link or contact me at for more information.

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