Subject: That's it for this yearFriend

Have a wonderful Summer!

Hi Friend,

This is my final edition for this academic year. I know many of you will be breaking up for a well deserved Summer break in the next few days and weeks - but I also know many more of you will still be working.

Whichever camp you fall into - have a great Summer, and do take some time out where you can!

Each year I like to sign off by giving a 'shout out' to another small business. Last year I told you about Cat Lumb author and writing coach - if you want a great read for your holidays, Cat has recently published another novel which I have just noticed is currently on Amazon for £3.99 for a short time only - and if you are looking for something to do over the hols - why not book in for a few coaching sessions and finally write your own novel!

But this year I'm also shouting about: The Learning Design Co. an innovative and effective solution for schools committed to supporting teacher effectiveness.

Here's their introduction:

The Learning Design Co.


As award winning educators, with 50+ years of teaching and senior leadership experience between us, we (Gill Smith and Dr Sarah Howling) are proud to work with schools to develop and sustain cultures of transformational professional learning.


We work with schools that: 


  • Know that teacher effectiveness is one of the (if not THE) biggest factors in improving student learning experiences and outcomes. 

  • Understand the importance of building a flourishing professional culture to support teachers’ wellbeing, learning, and growth.

  • Are committed to building a more just and equitable school and world through transformative learning experiences for teachers and students. 


And who are looking for support to navigate the path forward. 


We are specialists in coaching in education and through our consulting, training, and facilitation services, we make a difference that can be seen, felt, measured and sustained. 


If you are interested in learning more about how we might work together, you can find more information on our website here:

Application Reminders!

Universal Music UK Sound Foundation School Awards deadline is 1pm on 10th August 

Henry Smith Charity - Holiday Grants  are accepting applications from 1st July until 30th September for school trips taking place in the Winter Term.

London Mathematical Society Next deadline is 31st August 

Cost of Living Crisis

I know full well that many of you will be continuing to offer support for families, through what could be a very long Summer break for those most in need. I've pulled together some links that you may find useful. Please feel free to forward this email to any other colleagues, schools - or anyone who supports children and/or families.

British Gas Energy Support Fund (UK) debt relief grants are available to both British Gas customers and customers of other energy suppliers.

The OVO Energy Fund helps people who’ve fallen behind with their energy payments to OVO

Scottish Power Hardship Fund  The Fund can help by clearing or reducing arrears by crediting a customer’s ScottishPower energy account.

Grants for Older People Friends of the Elderly provides grants to older people living on low incomes. Applications MUST be made by a professional on behalf of an older person in need. 

Community Foundation Network   grant making bodies that exist to benefit disadvantaged communities. 

Greggs Foundation - Hardship Fund (North East) Grants are made to fund household equipment, such as cookers, fridge freezers and clothing that can make a significant difference to people's lives. 

Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation aims to support charities that tackle hunger and malnutrition, provide education and promote health and wellbeing.

Grants for the Disabled website and resources for anyone with a disability, caring for or working with disabled adults or children. They also have a fantastic newsletter which highlights any changes or additions each month.

Citizens Advice also have links to lots of support, guidance and crisis funding

Family Action also have a list of useful numbers, links and signposting


Have a wonderful Summer - whether you are working or not! I'll be back in September with a round up of all the current funding opportunities. In the meantime, I will be working most of the Summer so do feel free to get in touch if you need any help or support.

I'm currently updating my website - from September I'll be offering a few new services, so do check to see how I can help you!

Take care,


PS. If you need help right now - and just want some 'real time' answers to your questions, and to find out what is possible for your school - why not book in for a Power Hour with me.

That's one whole hour devoted to your specific school needs.

It's a one off session designed to save you time. You, your staff, or (both) can meet with me via video call (Teams or Zoom)

Priced at £99 - this session will give you the knowledge and confidence to generate much more income for your school community.

I can give you a general overview - or help you navigate a specific funding application or project.

Just book in using this link or contact me at for more information.

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